We can provide the following services: |
1. Development |
We write effective code using popular technologies. We apply proven design patterns and practices in our software development process. Our developers are experienced in the following tools and technologies:
- Java: Hibernate, JDBC, Spring, AOP, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Tapestry, JSF, GWT, EXT, YUI, JMS, JNDI, Log4J, Jakarta Commons, EJB, Web Services, AXIS, JUnit
- Web Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, WebSphere
- Tools: Eclipse, IDEA, Ant, Maven, JDK 1.6, JDK 1.5, JDK 1.4
- DBMS: Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL Server 2000, Firebird
- Source Control Systems: CVS, SVN(Subversion)
- UI: Eclipse plugins, GEF, RCP, Swing, Applets
- J2ME: (MIDP1 & MIDP2) , cldc1.0, cldc1.1, RIM, Android, jsr75, jsr82, jsr135
- WEB: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, Velocity
2. Planning |
Complete technical documentation preparation services. We start with understanding the vision of the project and finish with writing specification documents. Later we create detailed documentations and a project plan. During the planning process we use modern applications like UML, MS Project, MS Viso, Power Designer, Enterprise Architect
3. Quality control |
We test all the functionality during the development process. We create Test Cases and use bug tracking software like Bugzillla, Jira, Mantis, Trac and others. Also we pay constant attention to the user interface ergonomics in our products.
4. Optimization |
Every our product goes through optimization stage where we evaluate its productivity and resource usage. We use our own software as well as other well-known products such as Yourkit and JProfiler profilers, JBlitz website load testing tool and others.
Our staff: |
- 2 Managers
- 2 Lead developers (Certified J2SE programmers)
- 8 Developers
- 1 Tester
Contacts: |
e-mail: tzreport@gmail.com
Skype: duke_pm